
Brave 2012 review
Brave 2012 review

Merida returns tae the castle an gies Elinor the cake, nae kennin Elinor haed realised her ain mistake o birnin Merida's bow in the fawin oot, garrin her mither tae transform intae a lairge black beir. Efter some bargainin, the witch grees tae gie Merida a spell tae chynge her mither in the form o a cake. Thay lead her tae the hut o an elderly witch posin as a wid carver. Efter a brief fawin oot wi Elinor, Merida runs intae the forest an comes across the will-o'-the-wisps. Merida kythes she is eligible tae compete for her ain haund as the first-born o Clan Dunbroch an defeats ilk o her suitors in an airchery contest. The clans o Macintosh, MacGuffin an Dingwall arrive wi thair first-born louns tae compete in Hieland Gemmes for Merida's haund. Myndin Merida o a legend anent a prince wha ruint his ain kinrick, Elinor wairns her that failure tae mairy coud hair, Dunbroch, bit Merida is dissatisfee'd wi the reengement. Elinor informs her that she is tae be betrothed tae ane o louns frae her faither's allied clans. Yeirs later, Merida haes become a free-speeritit teenager an a aulder sister tae identical triplets: Hamish, Harris an Hubert. Merida escapes alang wi her mither Queen Elinor whiles Fergus fechts aff the bear at the cost o his left shank. Suin efterwards, Mor'du, a giant deevilock beir, attacks the faimlie. While practisin, Merida encoonters a will-o'-the-wisp. In Scotland, King Fergus o Clan Dunbroch praisents his young dochter Merida wi a bow for her birthday. Precedin the feature is a short film enteetled La Luna, directit bi Enrico Casarosa. The film wan the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film an wis nominatit for the BAFTA Award for Best Animated Film an Academy Award for Best Animated Film. Brave premiered on 10 Juin 2012, at the Seattle International Film Festival, an wis released in North Americae on 22 Juin 2012, tae baith positive reviews an box office success. Efter speirin a witch for help, Merida accidentally curses her faimilie an is forced tae undae the spell hersel afore it is ower late. In the film, set in the Scots Hielands, a skeelit aircher cried Merida thraws an age-auld prattick, garrin reavel-raivel in her kinrick bi expressin the desire tae nae be betrothed. It is the first film tae uise the Dolby Atmos soond format. For tae mak the maist complex visuals possible, Pixar completely rewrate thair animation seestem for the first time in 25 years. The film's vyce cast featurs Kelly Macdonald, Julie Walters, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Kevin McKidd, Craig Ferguson, an Robbie Coltrane.

brave 2012 review brave 2012 review brave 2012 review

It wis written bi Mark Andrews, Steve Purcell, Brenda Chapman, an Irene Mecchi, directit bi Andrews an Chapman an co-directit bi Purcell. Brave is a 2012 American computer-animatit adventur fantasie film producit bi Pixar Animation Studios an distributit bi Walt Disney Pictures.

Brave 2012 review