
Volbeat album history
Volbeat album history

"Our songs are all in English, of course, and we mostly do just our songs, but we'll do one cover each night, ranging from Hank Williams to Dusty Springfield and Johnny Cash, especially his 'Ring of Fire.'" Starting in 2006, Volbeat began performing at some of Europe's most famous festivals, especially Denmark's own Roskilde, plus other gatherings in Switzerland and Poland. "In school, most all of us kids learn Danish, plus English, French and German, although for me, English was the only one I mastered."

volbeat album history

"I grew up with parents who had a collection of records that leaned very heavily toward the Sun Records artists," Poulsen says from a stop on the road - speaking in English, naturally, which he says is a widespread choice among Danes. Tickets: $51.50 (reserved seating in lower bowl general admission on floor)

volbeat album history volbeat album history

Friday, Verizon Arena, East Broadway and Interstate 30, North Little Rock

Volbeat album history